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  • Why does the nails shrink?

    Time:2023-07-05 Views:1

    What is glue? Nail polish will show a certain degree of contraction after lighting. Some contraction is to shrink into a ball to the center of the nails, so the glue on the side of the nails will move back a little after light; some shrinking is in different directions, so the surface of the nail polish on the surface is (Pit) Sometimes shrinking and making ghosts!

    In fact, all nail polish gels will have a certain degree of film shrinking, but some are mild, and the naked eye cannot be seen; But how can we avoid contraction as much as possible?

    1. Plug -in glue and glue phenomenon

    The main components of nail glue are clustering and active diluents. (Activated diluent has the characteristics of contraction when curing.)

    The phenomenon of shrinking the nail polish on the nail surface after the lamp lamp is shrinking. The main component content of glue is related to the content of nail oil, that is, the amount of agglomeration and active diluent determines the degree of glue shrinkage. In fact, all nail polish glue will have a certain degree of glue, but some are mild, some are serious. The more clustering and active diluers containing nail glue, the more substances participating in the contraction reaction, the higher the contraction rate. That is, there is a proportional relationship between them.

    2. The cause of the reasons for the contraction of the product. Nowadays, there are many large and small brands on the market. When choosing nail polish, you must pay attention to the quality of nail glue.

    There are four main cases of operating problems.

    1. Too much of nail polish glue is too thick, too thick, and too much, and it is difficult to evenly attach the nail polish on the nail surface. Nail polish is a small amount of thin coating, brushed twice.

    2. Can't polish

    When grinding, only one piece of arched with the highest nail surface, ignore the nail grooves and nail rear edits on both sides. As a result, the surface of the nails is too smooth and the adhesion becomes smaller. Be sure to pay attention to each corner of the nail surface and polish. The more popular nail polishing machine is still good.

    3. Clean is not in place

    The oil points on the surface of the nails are not completely cleaned up. The place where the residual oil points may not be hung up, or after applying the bottom glue, the bottom glue cannot be evenly attached to the nail surface.

    Clean up the entire armor carefully and carefully.

    4. When it is stained with fat, the surface of the nails is cleaned, but the external oil may occur to the surface of the nail surface.

    After cleaning up the nails, pay attention to protect the cleaning of the nail surface.


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